Tugger Trailers

Utilization of a tugger with a train of trailers is the most popular and affordable trend today in managing your material handling logistics. With a single operator on the tugger, one is able to tow a train of trailers carrying a large capacity of parts, goods, products, packages, or components fore and aft in plants, centers, factories, and terminals. As the best logistical solution, a tugger with a train of trailers holds the key to greater savings, higher output, less traffic, more flexibility, and better safety than the traditional alternative of using forklifts or lift trucks. The benefits of a tugger with a train of trailers is likewise superior to the capital intense fixed systems (automated conveying systems).

Benefits of Tugger Trailers


The saving benefits are two-fold; equipment and manpower. The “tugger and trailer” concept requires less capital equipment investment when compared with the traditional alternative of using forklifts or lift trucks. The reduction in manpower utilization is significantly less when comparing a tugger with a train of trailers vs. forklifts or lift trucks. The saving benefits significantly favor the tugger and trailer concept.


The tugger and trailer concept offers higher yield and output by utilizing the most efficient method for transporting loads fore and aft. Tugger trailers provide excellent space utilization with the use of QUAD-STEER trailers, which offer positive